Financial resilience

Protecting what is important to you

When it comes to our money and our plans, it can be hard to balance short-term wants, long-term dreams and those unexpected events that are out of our control.

Life insurance

Supporting your loved ones financially

Planning is not just about growing wealth, it is also about making sure your loved ones are looked after and protected. Nobody likes to think of the worst, but we can help plan for the future so that, should anything happen to you, your loved ones are protected.

Different types of life insurance

When it comes to life insurance, you’ve got options

The idea behind any type of life insurance is to have the reassurance that you have financial protection in place for you and your loved ones if the worst happens.

Term life insurance

What would you want your life insurance to cover?

Term life insurance is a type of life cover that lasts for a fixed period of time (known as a ‘term’) – the payment is made all in one go. This type of cover is useful for providing financial security for dependents.

Whole-of-life insurance

Protect your wealth and provide for your family when you die

A whole-of-life insurance policy is designed to give you a specified amount of cover for the whole of your life and pays out when you die, whenever that is. Some insurers will also let you include critical illness cover if you buy life insurance at the same time, as one, integrated policy.